Why Clearing Your Trauma is the Fastest (and only) Way to Create Quantum Results

As a childhood development expert with over a decade of experience as a mental health professional working with children, I have had the opportunity to observe and witness the way trauma affects us as children and how that progresses into adulthood.

One of the biggest mistakes I see people making is not realizing they have trauma. Everyone has trauma. Let me take a moment to define trauma for you as I see it and have witnessed it to be.

Trauma is any experience that we’ve had that was overwhelming to our senses and emotional body that we did not know how to process. Since we didn’t know how to process it, we shut it down and stuffed it away. 

When we shut down our emotions and stuff them away it affects us in a variety of ways. When we do not allow the expression of our emotions and we hide them from ourselves, a severing happens within our system. We end up compartmentalizing pieces of ourselves and hiding from them. This is what creates our shadow- the pieces of ourselves that we’re not willing to look at or admit exist.

Then these pieces of ourselves show up in different ways. Things will happen in our lives that trigger these memories or uncomfortable emotions. We may react to a situation in a way that seems unwarranted, such as having an intense reaction or angry reaction to something that doesn’t seem that serious to other people. This is how trauma works. IT lives inside of us, waiting to be noticed, waiting to be felt until we actually give it the space to be felt. The ironic thing is, that once we allow ourselves to feel it, it goes away. All our emotions want is to be expressed. Once they are expressed, they move through us and dissipate. 

The irony in this is that we spend SO MUCH time and energy hiding from and pushing down these emotions in an effort to save ourselves some kind of pain or heartache. When actually if we just allow ourselves to feel them, we experience huge shifts in perspective.

The other piece of this is how trauma affects our growth. This is the time when we really have the opportunity to face our trauma head-on. When we feel the urge to change our lives. When we want to start a business, call in a new relationship or make any big change, here’s what happens. 

First, you have a desire. You say to the universe, here’s what I want. I want to leave my job and start my own business, I want to follow my soul’s calling, I want to live in alignment with my heart. And the universe says, YES! AND the universe will immediately show you exactly what trauma or “blocks” you need to face in order to get to this next level of expansion. It's that simple.

The confusing part happens in how we perceive this interaction with the universe. It can FEEL like you’re coming up against roadblocks and that you’re stuck and you just can’t do it. And this feeling is very real. But what’s really happening is you have an invitation, an opportunity to make a massive shift. If you take it.

All you need to do is look at, face, and FEEL the sadness, the fear, the rejection, the unworthiness, the feelings of not being good enough, the familial patterns, the social programming, whatEVER it is! You must feel it. Fully. And when you do, when you move through those emotions, consciously, intentionally and with support, then the magic and miracles unfold. You move through it and boom, you have a breakthrough.

Trauma is not some grandiose thing that only a few people have experienced. It’s something ALL of us have gone through simply by just being human and living on this planet. We take it on from our parents who took it on from their parents. This is called ancestral trauma. We play this out and potentially pass it on to our kids unknowingly until we become conscious about it and clear it.

On a larger scale, healing trauma is not only how you make massive shifts in your own life, it's how we heal the planet and how we change the world. Everything we see happening in the world is a reflection of collective trauma. The way to shift this begins with clearing our own trauma which opens the door for others to clear their trauma. Everyone who clears their trauma raises their energetic frequency. This has a massive effect on the frequency of the entire planet.



“The Metamorphosis and Alyse have literally changed the trajectory of my life. I have uncovered and healed in ways I didn't know existed. I have aligned to my soul purpose and have pushed through my comport zone to create the life of my dreams. People like Alyse don't come around very often so if you have the opportunity to work with her do not hesitate. It will be one of the great decisions of your life.”

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