Shift in Perception


In the work that I do with my clients, I use powerful energy clearing tools, such as breathwork, energy work, and the akashic records. When my clients use these tools regularly with my guidance, they dramatically shift the relationships in their life. 

The main reason for this is that they begin to dismantle old patterning, unconscious thoughts, and belief systems that keep them stuck in lack and limitation. Essentially you dramatically shift your relationship with yourself and then all of your other relationships follow suit.

We often learn how to treat ourselves through modeling our parents. Many times you may find yourself still hearing your mother’s voice in your head telling you why you can’t do something or why you’re wrong. We actually take on these ways of thinking, usually unconsciously. And we operate from these belief systems until we clear them.

Additionally, we learn about what relationships are by watching our parents. So you may find yourself repeating relationship patterns that you engaged in with your parents or that you observed your parents engaging in with your current romantic partner.

Again all of this is occurring unconsciously until we delve into the subconscious mind, bring it to the surface, and shift it. That is where breathwork comes in as such a powerful tool. In my breathwork modality that I teach, you gain access to your subconscious mind and bring these patterns and belief systems into your conscious mind so you can choose out of them. Then you use the breath to physically move this stuck energy out of the body.

What you will begin to notice is a shift in perception and all of a sudden your relationships feel different to you. The reason why is that you are no longer available on an energetic level to engage in certain patterns of behavior. Either your romantic partner will shift and change with you, or they will fall away.

As you shift these old patterns, naturally your sense of self-worth and deservingness rises and you begin to experience more joy and ease in creating what you want.


Thao completely shifted her relationship with her husband and awakened her psychic abilities, and is now thriving in her business.

Interested in digging a little deeper?


Grow Your Wealth with Breath

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Connect with Your Intuition and Everything Connects

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It All Begins with Your Breath

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5 Ways to Use Breathwork for Better Client (and Personal) Results

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