Reclaiming Consciousness Podcast

For many years, our consciousness has been hijacked by societal and cultural programming, religion, the media, and familial and ancestral trauma.

Reclaiming Consciousness is a podcast dedicated to exploring how so many spectacular humans are waking up, exiting the matrix, and fully reclaiming their consciousness.

Your host, Alyse Bacine, is a mental health professional, spiritual mentor, and breathwork practitioner who helps people rapidly clear trauma. In her work with clients, she sees the profound shifts that people can make in their lives when they stop following their regularly scheduled program and start living the life they were meant to live. In this show, you’ll meet exceptional people who are paving the way in raising consciousness and creating a new way of living on this earth.

Must Listen to Episodes

Woman with long blonde hair standing in front of greenery, wearing a sleeveless floral dress.

#30 Healing the Mother Wound and Shifting Your Relationship with Yourself with Krista Williams of Almost 30

On this week's episode, we have Krista Williams as our guest, co-founder of the global brand “Almost 30”.

Krista always wanted to find purpose in life and she credits that to her spiritual awakening. Before that, she dreaded waking up in the morning because, as she says, “I felt like I was living a life that wasn’t mine”.

Woman with curly hair and tattoo on arm, wearing a white sleeveless top, smiling, and leaning against a wooden wall outdoors.

#31 The Four Elements of Astrology with Debra Silverman

This week’s guest is Debra Silverman, who has always been the person people go to tell the deepest darkest parts of their psyche. She found astrology at a young age and has been obsessed with it ever since.

In this episode, we talk about the characteristics of the 4 elements -both the light and shadow aspects of them- and she explains why it’s so important to learn about the missing element in your astrological chart to balance out your life. As she says “ you can't make magic without the 4 elements”.

Person with short, styled hair, wearing earrings and a black top, against a neutral background.

#40 Finding True Validation and Self Acceptance Through Human Design with Erin Claire Jones

In this episode I invited Erin Claire Jones to dive into, and explain everything, about Human Design. Human Design is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science that “gives us our blueprint” and very specific tools that help us understand “what are the right experiences, what are the right influences, what are the right people”.

Man wearing black shirt and gray knit beanie, standing by a window, smiling, arms crossed.

#47- The Magic of The Meme with James McCrae

This week’s guest is author, poet, creative strategist (and meme artist!), James McCrae whose content on Instagram I absolutely love.

During the early days of quarantine he started writing poetry and creating memes “just to make sense of the world around me, which had changed so rapidly”, and his IG page just exploded with positive feedback.

Woman in white off-shoulder top posing against white brick wall.

#51 You ARE the Abundance with the Queen of Wealth Embodiment Victoria Washington

Today’s guest is Victoria Washington, money medicine-woman and business wizard who supports women and entrepreneurs from all walks of life “in breaking free of the conditioning that society places on us, so that they can not only be financially free but fully embody their wealth identity.”

Smiling woman with long blonde hair standing against a wall, wearing a white top and a crystal necklace.

#71 - Human Design to Create the New Paradigm with Emma Dunwoody

“Human design amplifies everything. It gets you out of your head and into your body. It gets you out of the ego and into your intuition. It really shows you specifically how you are designed to excel.” - Emma Dunwoody

In this week's episode, we have Emma Dunwoody. She's a qualified Master Coach and Human Behavioral Specialist who wakes people up to the power within them using Human Design, a system of self-knowledge and guidance unlike anything else that exists.

Portrait of a woman with long blonde hair, wearing a white shirt and a necklace, against a light background.

#22 Mastering Manifestation with Christina The Channel

On this episode, I’ve invited Christina Rice, Christina The Channel,  author, channel, and coach, who will truly inspire you with her story.

Christina was intuitive from a very young age but switched it off and carried on with a more “mainstream” life until an episode in college changed everything.  After, seeing an intuitive “was a catalyst that set off all my gifts turning back on... and was letting the universe take me where it’s meant to go”. And she went all in.

Woman with long dark hair, wearing a large decorative necklace and a black top, smiling; flowers and mountains in background.

#27 Astrology and the Process of Awakening with Danielle Paige

In this episode I talk with Danielle Paige, International Spiritual Teacher, who tells us about her journey discovering her true purpose and how she became aware of the astrological aspects and events that have shaped the last years of life on this planet.

Danielle’s whole life turned upside down on the eve of her 30th birthday. After a move across the country, she started to receive information through dreams and many things started happening that made her feel like she was in the Twilight Zone.

Woman smiling outdoors, wearing a denim shirt and brown cardigan, with blurred background of people and greenery.

#17 The Galactic Akashic Records with Debbie Solaris

In this episode I have invited Debbie Solaris who, after having an E.T. encounter, awakened to her true star lineage and higher calling and started to read the galactic akashic records. She actually came from a very scientific background, was “a left brain kind of person” as she says, and was very skeptical about spirituality until 2012, when this major out- of- body experience happened.

Person with long dark hair wearing a denim jacket sitting on a couch in a living room setting.

#9 Celebs, Dark Energies and Creating the New Earth with Amber-Lee Lyons

My guest today is Amber- Lee Lyons of Chakra Girl Radio.

We connected a few months ago after I did an akashic record reading for her and, because we have very similar viewpoints, decided to do this episode together where we talk about things I haven’t really ever talked about publicly, but hey! we dug very deep.

Person in white turtleneck and jeans posing against leafy background.

#3 Making Big Money the Feminine Way with Jocelyn Kelly Reid

Jocelyn Kelly Reid was my first coach and is a continuous source of inspiration to me because of how she really anchors her energy in.

Her journey started when she got a wake up call around how off-path she was.

She suffered a series of health scares that made her realize there was something she needed to do.

Person with long dark hair flexing arm

#76 - Becoming a Client Attraction Unicorn with Nicole Hesse

I'm happy to welcome Nicole Hesse to the show this week, whom I met through a mastermind we're in together. She's a powerful and funny person who's been through a lot of challenges, but thanks to her strong character and determination, she managed to rise above them, became a successful entrepreneur and a real inspiration to many in the money-making world.

Smiling woman with brown hair wearing a brown sleeveless top, sitting indoors.

#37 The REAL Secret Behind The Law of Attraction with Emma Mumford

On this episode I talk with Emma Mumford who is the UK’s leading Law of Attraction expert.

Emma’s first business was all about helping people get out of debt, and though she was very happy with it she wasn’t feeling fulfilled and she was struggling with depression and anxiety. She knew she wanted to change her life and there was a pivotal moment at 2 AM where she just “surrendered and opened up to help, divine help from the universe”.

Man smiling, wearing a beige t-shirt and necklace, against a dark background.

#48 Accessing and Embodying the 4th Density with Aaron Abke

My guest today is Aaron Abke, who devotes his life to his spiritual seeking and practice.

Following in his father’s footsteps, he studied to become a pastor until a dramatic spiritual awakening changed the course of his life. He, as many, had a “ dark night of the soul” that eventually led him to where he is now.

Smiling person with long blonde hair resting their chin on their hand.

#52 Astrology, Human Design and Finding Your Purpose with Amy Lea

This week’s guest is Amy Lea, astrologer, human design guide, energy practitioner and business mentor.

After a “health crisis” in 2012, where she found out she had an autoimmune condition that “turned her world upside down”, she became really interested in energetics and spirituality but never in a million years did she think she would end up working in this.

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