Clear What’s Holding YOU Back
Alyse Bacine— Transformational Trauma Expert & Breathwork Expert
My groundbreaking program to rapidly and efficiently clear the familial and ancestral trauma that is blocking you from experiencing the wealth and freedom that you desire.
The Metamorphosis is the pathway to discovering your deeper purpose. It will help you clear the ancestral programming that keeps you in fear and scarcity and give you the power to start making money doing what you love.
Dozens of women have gone through The Metamorphosis since it first launched in 2020.
Most of them joined with the desire to leave their jobs and start their own businesses. Many of them did just that during their time in the program.
All of these women experienced profound shifts in their relationships, businesses, or careers, the ability to make more money, and gained a new level of clarity on moving forward.
Learn about Juanita’s Journey during The Metamorphosis
As a mental health professional with over 20 years of experience working with women like you to dissolve trauma…
I have created a unique trauma healing methodology, The Metamorphosis Method™ which I teach you how to apply for yourself inside this program. I give you the tools and guide you to pinpoint and release the familial and ancestral trauma that keeps you repeating patterns of lack, scarcity, and fear. AND you will leave with the ability to continue to navigate and shift these patterns moving forward.
My methodology is unique because you will quickly identify the CAUSE of the pattern you keep repeating or the ceiling you keep hitting.
Most practitioners will help you with symptoms that don’t eradicate the pattern at its deepest level.
When you acknowledge the cause,
You shift the pattern instantly
You WILL NOT have to relive all the painful moments or drudge through the past
You quickly identify the key belief that needs to be shifted and then everything changes.
Many of my clients will experience instant shifts after just a few weeks like…
✔️ Their close relationships transform from feeling challenging or triggering to loving and supportive
✔️ Their monthly income increases and new clients show up
✔️ More money and new opportunities start coming “out of nowhere”
✔️ They have a profound level of clarity on their next steps
Some Kind Words
Learn about Lydia’s Transformation during The Metamorphosis
In The Metamorphosis you will identify and shift the unconscious beliefs you took on starting at birth, in your relationship with your mother, father, and siblings.
The birth story or birth trauma refers to the circumstances surrounding your birth from conception until 3 months old. Rarely talked about, what your mother was experiencing while you were developing in the womb impacts your ability to start and complete projects, and will determine the level of success you create in business (and life) until you become conscious of it and resolve it. The energetic imprint that you took on from your mother while in the womb will create a lens through which you see the world, creating projections around your perceived place in the world and what kind of life you believe is available to you. When you heal your birth story, bringing new projects to completion happens with ease and you will expand your ideas of what’s possible for you, creating new opportunities that you never thought possible.
The mother wound refers to the relational dynamics your mother modeled to you and the level of consciousness that you inherited from her. This will directly impact your ability to feel safe and receive love in relationships. What you did not receive in your relationship with your mother will impact your ability to attract clients and build healthy relationships in business and with a romantic partner. Most of the unconscious wounding from your mother will be deeper patterns of enmeshment that you don’t have words for. Instead, these deeper patterns will be experienced as triggers in your relationships, income ceilings, or confusion about your next steps. When you pinpoint these patterns and clear them, you will experience a massive shift in all of your relationships and a new sense of freedom and security from within.
The father wound refers to what you didn't receive in your relationship with your father. The emotional support, or physical presence you needed from him that you didn’t get will directly affect your confidence and feelings of being good enough. When you have an unconscious belief that you're not good enough, you will project that onto your reality by either overcompensating and becoming a perfectionist or by stopping yourself from going after what you truly desire because you unconsciously believe you don’t deserve it. When you resolve the father wound your confidence will naturally skyrocket and your ability to ask for and go after what you want will just be a natural part of your reality.
The sibling wound creates your unconscious belief that there's not enough love to go around. This results in a feeling of competition and the need to compare yourself to others in order to determine your value and if you are deserving of love. When you heal this you embody your uniqueness and stop looking to others to affirm your value. The sibling wound often plays out in the workplace, in any group situation, or even while scrolling on the internet. People play out their unhealed sibling wounds by comparing themselves to others and putting themselves in competition with each other. When this is healed, you will find it much easier to have fulfilling friendships and you will have the ability to source your value from within instead of looking to others to affirm it for you.
During this 12-week program, you will receive
✔️ 6 x live support calls where you’ll receive individualized guidance to create the most efficient and long-lasting results in the program
✔️ Group telegram community where you will receive live coaching 4 days a week
✔️ Live group channeled energy work targeted to your needs on every call for increased momentum and integration
✔️ Access to the digital content library which includes 10 modules of guided breathwork, meditations, and journaling that is yours for life
Imagine in a couple of months from now…
You have identified and cleared blocks that have kept you from personal growth…
You are creating new opportunities that seem like they’ve arrived out of thin air…
The fear of criticism is no longer a factor in how you show up…
Your self-confidence is at an all-time high and that confidence is now a natural reality
Learn about Emily’s Journey during The Metamorphosis
√ 6 x live support calls where you’ll receive individualized guidance to create the most efficient and long-lasting results in the program (a $2,000 value)
√ A group Telegram community where you will receive live coaching 4 days a week (a $3,000 value)
√ Live group channeled energy work targeted to your needs on every call for increased momentum and integration (a $1,000 value)
√ Access to the digital content library which includes 10 modules of guided breathwork, meditations, and journaling that is yours for life (a $5,000 value)
Over $10,000 worth of instruction, tools, and support…
ALL yours for just $3500
The next round begins in April/May 2025
It’s time to claim your truth, your gifts, and your worthiness!
Trust me, if you have found this course and felt a connection to this work, you are meant to go through this Metamorphosis.
There are no accidents, and everything is divinely timed. Trusting this is the first step in trusting your intuition and divine guidance.
This course comes jam-packed with my 24 years of knowledge and experience in personal growth, breathwork, healing, and transformation.
Some More Kind Words
“Working with Alyse was incredibly life-changing, she helped me reclaim my power and shed outdated stories I had about myself.
Her breathwork sessions helped me alchemize my trauma in a way I’ve never experienced before. With Alyse’s support, I was able to break the many ancestral patterns that were holding me back and in that process, I realized my true potential.
It became easier to set boundaries and speak my truth because I knew what I was worth. Alyse held space for me every step of the way and more importantly, empowered me to make my own choices that were rooted in my truth.
My purpose and path are so clear to me now and my gifts are amplified more than ever. More importantly, she equipped me with the right tools so that when life gets intense I can use that energy as a portal to even greater success and happiness.
I feel so blessed to have worked with Alyse!”
“The Metamorphosis and Alyse have literally changed the trajectory of my life. I have uncovered and healed in ways I didn't know existed. I have aligned with my soul purpose and have pushed through my comfort zone to create the life of my dreams. People like Alyse don't come around very often so if you have the opportunity to work with her do not hesitate. It will be one of the great decisions of your life.”
“Before working with Alyse in The Metamorphosis with some 1-1 work, I was just coming out of taking a year off in my business to process and heal from childhood trauma. I had a lot of anxiety and fear about starting back in my business. And, I had some health issues that I had been dealing with.
I was hesitant at first because I had gone through other programs that claimed to be one thing, and turned out to be something totally different. The breathwork sessions are incredibly powerful. It supported me in moving through my fear to take action in my business. Fear was no longer holding me back. I went from feeling lost on where to start and what to offer to being crystal clear. I'm so excited about what I am offering because it feels 100% authentic and aligned.
My intuition is stronger than it's EVER been in my life. Things that I used to be stuck in waiting weeks or months for answers about, now guidance happens immediately. I feel totally in the flow and opportunities keep coming "out of nowhere"! No more hustling or working really hard to make things happen.
Alyse is the perfect blend of being well-versed in helping you move through trauma, AND build your business. I consistently felt empowered during our time working together. I never looked to her for answers. I knew that if I felt stuck, I could go and do a breath work session and immediately have clarity on what the next step was.
I can't recommend her enough! Definitely one of the BEST investments I have ever made in myself, and I don't say that lightly!”
You'll receive immediate lifetime access to all course materials when you join. The 8-week live portion begins mid-January, where you'll receive daily support in our group chat and bi-weekly group calls.
Daily coaching in our Telegram chat (4 days/week)
Bi-weekly group calls where everyone gets individual attention
Comprehensive support until all questions are answered
Community learning from others' experiences and questions
Before live portion begins:
About 30 minutes weekly for journaling and breathwork practice
During live portion:
1-2 hours weekly to participate in:
Group chat discussions
Live calls
Implementation work
All calls are recorded and you'll still receive support in the group chat. Many clients get tremendous value from watching the recordings and asking questions in the chat.
It's a private Telegram chat where you can:
Ask questions 4 days/week
Receive direct coaching from me
Learn from others' experiences
Get daily support with your process
The combination of:
Daily support
Group learning
Targeted tools
Consistent feedback creates rapid transformation
You receive lifetime access to all materials, including:
Course content
Recorded calls
Breathwork sessions
Tools and exercises
Yes. This work complements traditional therapy. We focus on clearing specific trauma patterns using my methodology while you continue your therapeutic work.
Instead of managing symptoms, or reliving painful memories we:
Clear all four major childhood relational traumas
Address patterns at their source
Create permanent transformation with daily support throughout the process